Research interests
Delicate topology: a new paradigm of crystalline topological matter. [2] Contrast with the more established notions of stable and fragile topology, with respective examples [3] and [4].
Topological principles in the transient and steady photovoltaic current. Here are two recorded talks, one from Daejeon and another from the Kavli Institute .
Foundational band theory: geometric Berry-phase properties of wave functions over momentum space are tied to localizability of wave functions over real space. [2]
Topo-fermiology: geometric-topological characterization of the Fermi surfaces of metals. [2]
Magnetic quantum effects: Landau quantization and magnetic-field induced tunneling in topological metals.
Topology in magnetic bandstructure: diabolical touchings between magnetic energy levels.
Phenomenology of topological materials: glide-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, magnetic quantum oscillations in thermodynamic/transport quantities, ultrasound absorption in metals.
Topology meets magnetism: quantized surface magnetism.